Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I've Never Won a Stick of Gum

But I did win a trip to Lincoln City, Oregon!  Yes, friends, I did.  My job sent me and my man out to the OR coast for a short weekend, all expenses paid (except for the gum I bought for the airplane ride...cheapo's).  We stayed in a room that opened right out to the beach so we could listen to the ocean at night.  We took a limo to dinner.  That was so our style.  We slept in late, and I had fish and chips for breakfast.

This is from a view from our balcony.  Love the big bad rocks!

The beach was littered with driftwood.

Nate and I usually try to match our clothes.  We're one step away from matching jogging suits. 

We pulled off the road traveling south a few times to have a look around.  This is one of my new favorite places.  Beautiful colors!

Mr. Pumm bought me a new camera lens this year.  It has an incredible zoom.  Each time I walked away from him, I'd "zoom stalk" him.  He's so cute.

It was uber foggy out when we went to check out this lighthouse.  Made for an eerie picture, ya?

On our way back to Portland we stopped here for some jam and smoothies!

Nate took a leak on their veggies.  Just kidding!  But he better be careful when the "zoom stalk" is out.  You never know what I'll catch...

We're pretty sure that was our last trip before BPu shows up.  It was a good one indeed but we were more than happy to return to sunny Colorado.  I love me some vitamin D!

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