Monday, August 8, 2011

The WHOLE Lot of Us

With Sister Friend and family in town, we had to get everyone together.  As in, all of us.  The whole lot.

It was so fun to watch the big boys play in the water.  They were crazy!



Ally played with the big boys too.  She was so cute, didn't mind being splashed, and spent the majority of the time with all her hair in front of her face.

Trying to get the kids to peek out of the pool to "spy" on grandma.  I was really just trying to get them to look at her for a picture.  They took turns didn't turn out the way I planned.

It was a really hot day.  Hotter than Ryan Reynolds hot.

Calen patrolled the area, making sure we were safe.

Then he took a break from his tiresome work to relax.  Poor kid had the worst owie on his chin.

Bella was about ready to keel over dead from heat exhaustion, so she went for a swim too.  She reminded me of Falkor in The Neverending Story.

Kade and Andrey.  Bumbos.  Food.

SF's gorgeous family.

Bro's beautiful family.  Wiped out from the long day.
Love this picture of my brother and his son.

Red eyes.  Evidence that Ethan opens his eyes underwater!

My dad spent the whole day playing with the kids, or holding Andrey.  He's such a wonderful grandpa!

Finally, proof of the heat.  We got home to find this rabbit sprawled out in the shade of our bush.  I named him Steve.  Stay cool Steve!

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